Label illustrations that look good enough to eat
In designing a logo and visual identity for NaturalMi, the all-natural skincare label run by our l’il Mix, we decided that the best course of action was to go with simple, elegant and luscious. After all, Mix makes her products by the maxim “if it’s safe to eat, it’s safe to put on your face.”
Several days of research later, we agreed that what we really wanted was to just…draw the ingredients of each product, carefully highlighted and placed on the labels. Because after all, the ingredients were at the forefront of Mix’s work.
My time to shine. This project was almost like ASMR for me. I mean, who WOULDN’T want to spend their lock down months drawing calming fruit and flowers, carefully detailed to get every single shadow and texture, right?
There’s nothing that gives me more joy than the pride in a well-shaded fruit I’ve painstakingly worked on or the feeling of rightness that comes from finding the right brush and texture.
I was a happy camper for the next few days. I carefully searched images of each ingredient, creating compositions based on Mix’s labels, and selected the perfect colours to bring out the vibrancy of each ingredient in the illustrations. Just as Mix does in her products. Every day, I’d just put on an interesting-sounding episode of the Ologies podcast (the perfect accompaniment to this project, IMO) and get drawing. It was just that easy and delightful. And to me, the images and products shine louder than any of the words I’ve used in this post to describe them.